No, I did not forget the text, and no, nothing much is happening. It’s time to wrap this day up. Frivolesque is now officially one year old. =D Thank you to those who have been supporting me from the start.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Flore
Because some people asked me what Philemon was up to all this time. He was hiding of course. Who wouldn’t?
And there it goes. The end of the second chapter. And yes. The first panel is totally a Peanuts homage. Stay Frivolesque, y’all!
Here’s the first strip of my third Chapter. :) And those who were at Nadeshicon saw me start that strip live in one of my panels. :) (I really thank you guys for coming, if you were there!) And yes,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I spent hours trying to think of a clever T-Shirt design for Liliane… In the end, I guess I got lazy. I’m sleepy now.
And now you know about the little logos I use on the site. Kinda. Also, who are Flore’s second and third friends ever? Only time will tell…
Heres a touch of the modern world. And some Clementine for those who always ask me for more of her. :) Also including a random blurry foreground character because I like experimenting. :)
What is this, I don’t even… Here’s the most random non-Laurence Frivolesque ever. Everybody’s gonna hate it for sure. But at least… Flore is back!
Once again, vertically-challenged Flore gets scared by tall people. It seems like Conroy is like Kill La Kill’s Gamagoori in the way his height seems to vary from shot to shot, but really, his canon height is 6’7″, which is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…