I tried to go a bit KyoAni-style moé with that last panel. And this is pretty much what Saki originally looked like when I used to draw her 13 years ago. Just… much better looking.
Oooh boy. I’m walking down memory lane deeply with this one. (Beware, an ancient, horrible picture will follow.) This is what Saki used to look like back in 2001, when I was drawing her all the time and she was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Marie-Neige will use anything to strike a conversation with a beautiful stranger. They do wear the same glasses though. I should really try to be more original with those desings.
I officially hate this comic. It took me 46 weeks to get here, having all my girls together in the same strip, but it took so long to draw I never want to do this again. T_T Okay, I don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
YES, THIS STRIP HAS A BONUS FIFTH PANEL! I thought this one-shot gag was too good not to include, and since I wasn’t feeling like throwing a random character profile with it in order to make it a full update,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
We’re visiting Flore-vision again. Funny how she can imagine people she hasn’t even met yet… I made a Facebook page for the comic. If you’re not on it yet, I’d really like you guys to go there and like it.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I am fascinated by those ultra-specific terms the anime-loving crowd come up with all the time. Before I get corrected by some wandering otaku, yes, I’m aware Saki isn’t really a Yandere at all. Who knows what Marie-Neige sees in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…