Posts Tagged Saki
Because home is where the heart is. (Except for Saki, who forgot to book herself a hotel room. She’s from out of town.)
Apparently, there’s a couple of nice Golf courses in Quebec City. I wouldn’t know about that, since I don’t play golf. So yeah, I’m pretty sure Conroy has to be bored out of his mind. I would be.
Behold what I consider to be the most elaborate Frivolesque strip so far. There’s a lot of places in Quebec City that I find inspiring, but none are more fascinating to me than the The Saint-Roch area, with its stark[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Gaia and Saki are enjoying a bit of chit chat on the way back home. I could have simply made the girls walk in front of a hedge or a brick wall, but nooooooo, I had to spend hours drawing[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And now, for something completely different… Yes, I love channeling Monty Python everytime I feel like having a transition. Strangely, Conroy’s golf attire isnt’t as noticeably weird as his haiwaiian shirts. Or Saki’s uniform. I missed those three. Don’t worry[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
What is this, I don’t even… Here’s the most random non-Laurence Frivolesque ever. Everybody’s gonna hate it for sure. But at least… Flore is back!
Once again, vertically-challenged Flore gets scared by tall people. It seems like Conroy is like Kill La Kill’s Gamagoori in the way his height seems to vary from shot to shot, but really, his canon height is 6’7″, which is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Because nobody would think Flore and Liliane are related. Also, yeah, “Aurelie” and “Zoe” are characters that exist in the Frivolesque world (they are Liliane’s assistants) and might, or might not, appear someday. As always, if you like Frivolesque, don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
To think Marie-Neige finally managed to score herself a date with the pretty blonde, too bad she had to follow a higher calling. This strip marks another milestone : I finally reached the end of my long scenario file. Time[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…