99 – Pattern
Noventa y nueve!
Kyuujyuu kyuu!
Okay, okay, you get it. I’m pretty proud of making it this far.
So in the meantime, enjoy Gaia with her hair totally loose. I can’t believe it’s my first time ever drawing her like that!
As always, if you like Frivolesque, don’t forget to comment or like the Facebook page!
Flore keeps a dream journal huh?
And an interesting read, no less. Always a good idea to document the bat-shit crazy concoctions of the human mind while it sleeps. Don’t get too into dream analysis though, you saw what it did to Freud.
I always said Freud was crazy.
Freud apparently had dick on his mind all the time.
It might not all be Flore’s imagination actually. I could swear I saw Lawrence on a billboard in the mall when Mary took her shopping with Suki.
Don’t take… background details too seriously. ;)
And it’s Laurence. Lawrence is much more masculine. T_T
Thanks for clearing that up, I didn’t even realise that Laurence was spelt differently than the masculine Lawrence until now, I just assumed that it was a name-gender difference like how in English countries, Simone is seen as feminine while in some European countries Simone is a masculine name.
Well, as far as I know Laurence and Lawrence have different gender in french, but are both masculine in english.
Sometimes the syntax difference is culturally constructed. The ancient italian name “Andrea” is masculine, but in other languages, like spanish and english, it is seen as feminine, so for boys they created a versión with masculine ring, “Andrés” and “Andrew” respectively.
The funny fact is that “Andrea” actually comes from the Greek “andros” which means male. Therefore, technically we are naming our girls, “male” :P
I remember the first Sasha I have ever met was male but every other Sasha I have met since was female… names are sure confusing at times.
It’s more complicated than that. “Lawrence” doesn’t exist in french, but it has two equivalents, “Laurent” and “Laurence”, both being masculine names. “Laurence”, however, became more and more popular as feminine name too, at least in Quebec, in these last 40 years or so. I know both males and females named Laurence in real life.
The “Andrea” example is fun. In french, the male form is “André” and the female form is “Andrée” but they are both pronounced exactly the same. To me, Andrée always sounded quite masculine.
Ops, I was sure Lawrence was a french name, I don’t know why though.
BTW, I just checked and several sites actually have “Laurence” as a female french name, starting with Wikipedia.
Funny, I found out that there are people named “Laurence French” and “French Laurence” :)
The Saint-Lawrence river is the largest, and most well known river in Quebec… It is known as the Rivière Saint-Laurent in french. It might have something to do with it.
Laurent comes from latin Laurentius. Dictionnaries from as far as 1752 have Laurence as the feminine form. Lawrence is actually the english Laurent, still Sir Lawrence of Arabia was named Sire Laurence d’Arabie in french, so I suppose some might have adopted Laurence as a masculine name by mimickry of the english Lawrence, but it’s still pretty rare to encounter.
Heh. It’s complicated. See my reply to NotFred’s post below.
Let’s say Laurence in Quebec today is a gender neutral name…
BTW, you know DEZ I did not know the name Marie-Neige and thank to you I now know about the legend of Notre Dame des Neiges, the origins of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, the lovely cemetery in Montreal, and, above of all, Annie Brocoli :)
You keeps expanding my horizonts mate, thank you ;)
LOL. Annie Brocoli. She’s a children’s entertainer… but apparently, she’s also popular with their dads. ;)
Hyphenated first names are quite popular in French, especially with “Marie” for girls and “Jean” for guys. Marie-Neige isn’t very common though. “Neige” means “Snow” and was never that common for a first name, but I thought it sounded pretty and kinda unique.
Then I ended up being concerned about the fact it would look totally alien to english speakers who are not familiar with these double names, or how to pronounce a word like “neige”.
And I decided to go for it anyway.
And I’m glad I got you interested in my little part of the world. XD
“… but apparently, she’s also popular with their dads. ”
Color me surprised :P
“And I decided to go for it anyway.”
Wise choice :) I think Marie-Neige is a lovely name both in sound and significance and it suits her pretty well.
Maybe you are too much into The Last Airbender or maybe Fast and Furious :P but it is “Saky” in Frivoverse :)
Also, although it is equivalent the right syntax is “Marie” :)
Hope it helps, I do not intend to be obnoxious.
It’s neither Suki nor Saky. It’s Saki. :P
Geez I have just butchered your names sorry. I’m gonna call Flore Flora just to hit the trifecta.
Lol don’t you worry about it.
Where did that “y” come from? Did I mess my pills up again?
Sorry Kris, talking about pots and kettles…
Probably not, but I’m pretty sure she tells Liliane about everything.
But remembering dreams is tricky…
I hear it’s easier for some people than it is for others. Especially if you’re aware of the dream happening, apparently that makes things easier…
It has been ages since I recall any dreams at all and I miss some of the freaky-ass dreams I used to have when I was a teenager-young adult.
Almost, she did not tell her about the angry bear ;)
Ha ha ha.
I think Liliane knows anyway.
Wow, so many beauty together ;) LOVE Gaia’s look, too much cute :) hope not the last time. Lilianne is NOT in shape!? Come on! Hahaha, Flore is unbelievable. So, Laurence is Flore’s twin sister? Oh yes, II really can see it, great!
What a strip DEZ, you rock :)
Yeah, Liliane is probably the most physical character after the action girl duo. (Gaia and Saki.) Heck, I think she’s more fit than Conroy is.
Glad you like Gaia’s relaxed looks!”
I’m not gonna say anything about the rest. ;)
Even if nothing seems to be happening, I love these strips where the characters are just hanging out.
You just described 99% of Frivolesque right there…
And we love it ;)
Lilliane: She thinks it’s a secret but I’ve been reading her diary for years.
That would be totally something she’d do!
Woah, Gaia with hair down.
Yeah, I felt inspired.
And also no headband. I suppose that’s also part of the difference.
It’s not the first time she’s headband-less though. ;)
But it does change her.
Woah indeed.
The whole art is excellent, Gaia’s face in the last panel is the best, and I do not get tired of the third panel, even without the smiles.
Aaaand narcolepsia strikes. Hope she’ll wake up before episode 100. Which I hope will be epic.
I hope I won’t disappoint.
Reminds me of a song with 99 balloons in it.
Grats on the awesome achievement!!
Your art on this page is awesome by the way. Though I do miss the Queen of all things… Marie-Neige.
This one?
When I hear that song, I automatically think of SF Debris’ Star Trek: TNG reviews.
“Reminds me of a song with 99 balloons in it.”
The 99 is obvious but why balloo… oh, right.
Next week, tha BIG 100 :D Congrats to you on keeping up the amazing work :D
Thanks, Simon. :)
Awww Flore is having a nana-nap. :D
Let the old lady rest.
Looking like a teenager is pretty exhausting when you’re in your 30s. :D
Story of my life.
Okay, I don’t look like a teenager, but people always assume I’m younger.
Ah, so Liliane finally got to see her custom cup. Last we saw, her OLDER sister (still kinda weird saying that :P) was a bit reluctant to show her due to her choice of logo for it. Looks like she’s fine with it tho…
Hm… I’m pretty sure Flore ended up showing her right afterward considering she was already holding it in her hand… ;)
But it’s funny that you’re pointing it out… you’ll see what I mean in a bit less than two weeks.
Hmm, interesting, I guess we’ll have to wait till Frivolesque 101…
LOL, sounds like a class. “Alright students, now this is how you get a bunch of random people together as friends. Assisting me today is a young lady named Liliane…” :P
I think Gaia looks better that way.
She can’t be this cute all the time…
She does look pretty like that. Is Flore narcoleptic?
I think Flore naps whenever she feels tired regardless of having people around or not.
Wow, 99! Congratulations. Is #100 going to be extra big? :)
Thanks! You bet it will.
Je viens de tout lire depuis le début, vraiment très sympa ce webcomic! Et on sent bien qu tu as pris l’habitude de dessiner ces personnages, ton style s’affine au fil des semaines, c’est assez agréable à suivre. J’avais peur au début d’être un peu déçu mais le scénario prend son temps pour caractèriser les personnages et promet quelques surprises, au final j’attend la suite avec impatience. Mais bon, avec un full cast de meganekko c’eût été étonnant que je décroche, de toute façon ^^’
@PlasmaMongoose: Amazing how you first comment on so many webcomics, you must be some divinity of the internet! :p
Et oui, je remarque moi aussi que l’amélioration est assez visible entre le premier comic et le dernier.
Pourquoi t’avais peur d’être déçu?
Alors, comment t’es tombé sur ma bédé?
Finalement, content de voir qu’y’a d’autres fans de meganekko.
Plasma Mongoose is EVERYWHERE. Also, you meant “deity” not “divinity”. ;)
I think I even meant “deity” ;)
Or maybe it’s Plasma Mongoose’s diet that makes him/her divine :p
Alors, quelle excellente question… Je crois que je suis tombé sur ta BD sur TWC, j’ai dû voir une bannière en votant pour un autre webcom’ et voilà, faut dire que je commence à en suivre pas mal maintenant ^^’
Et pour la peur d’être déçu, ben des fois ça a l’air alléchant et puis finalement c’est bof, un peu comme au McDo. Disons que si j’avais 16 ans et que je faisais une BD, je la trouverais super, mais elle serait assez naze en fait. Et quand on voit la masse de BD sur le net, y’en a un paquet qui ressemblent à ça, un embryon de bonne idée très mal exploité par manque de maturité. Alors tu te doutes bien qu’avec un titre comme “Frivolesque” (on dit “frivole”, et ouais moi aussi je peux faire mon grammar nazi, na! ;p ) on ne sait pas trop à quoi s’attendre ;)
En tout cas je dois dire que je suis assez heureux de voir autant de jeunes canadiens faire de l’excellente BD sur le net, en France on est plus frileux de ce côté (et surtout encore trop attachés au format blog-BD semble-t-il, qui est assez horrible niveau confort de lecture) ce qui est très bête vu que c’est chez vous qu’il fait le plus froid :D
Ouin. Ok. Je fail à vouloir corriger les gens et en faisant des fautes moi-même.
Je sais qu’on dit “Frivole”. J’ai inventé un mot qui sonnait cute. Et qui passerait bien en anglais et en français. Les anglo aiment ça les mots en “esque”.
Je suis canadien (on aime mieux dire Québécois ici) mais je ne suis pas très jeune. Mais oui, on est plus proche du monde anglophone ici, alors les webcomics sont populaire. Je sais que beaucoup d’artistes français ont une approche très traditionnelle et artistique en ce qui a trait à la BD, levant le nez sur les formats américains ou japonais. Mais on voit beaucoup ça ici aussi, beaucoup de bédéistes (au Québec) étant beaucoup plus collés sur la culture franco-belge coté BD que sur le coté anglophone qui est un peu plus “fast food” finalement.
J’imagine que j’ai toujours aimé le “comic strip” ayant commencé ma carrière de lecteur de bédé avec Charlie Brown. :)
J’ai aucunement honte de ma bédé fast food par contre. :)
Et je suis content que tu trouves ça à la hauteur de l’image.
Mais t’as foutument raison par contre, cette semaine, ici, ON SE LES GÈLE.
Vivement le printemps.
Oh, est-ce que tu utilise le email que t’as fourni en écrivant ton commentaire? T’as l’air sympa et je connais aucun français, on pourrait discuter bédé, ou je sais pas.
J’utilise cette adresse mail, en effet, pour tout ce qui est non-pro. Tu es libre de m’écrire ce qui te passe par la tête donc, ne t’inquiètes pas si je met un peu de temps à répondre par contre, je la consulte assez sporadiquement en ce moment.
Je vois pas mal d’avantages aux strips sur le web: Le premier est de se forcer un peu à dessiner régulièrement. C’est con à dire mais ça fait des années que j’ai cessé de dessiner régulièrement et maintenant, dès que j’essaye c’est absolument affreux. Le manque de pratique peut être dévastateur. De plus mettre ça BD gratuitement sur le net, ça permet de se dégager de pas mal de contraintes et d’expérimenter, d’aller à son rythme, d’improviser un peu. Bref, c’est un peu de la formation continue pour l’artiste ;)
De plus, pour un débutant qui n’a pas beaucoup de contacts avec les éditeurs ça peut être une bonne vitrine si ça a du succès. Et puis ça permet de rencontrer plein de confrères et de lecteurs aux conventions, ce qui est plutôt cool. Et même parfois d’arrondir les fins de mois avec les commandes et les T-shirts, tant qu’on y est :p
Sinon j’ai du mal à comprendre les querelles de clocher, chaque format étant tout-à-fait légitime pour raconter différentes histoires dans différents contextes de publication. J’ai moi-même abordé la BD avec Franquin qui pour les Idées Noires et les premiers gags de Gaston Lagaffe faisait du petit format tout en dessinant Spirou & Fantasio dans un format plus traditionnel. De même Katsuhiro Otomo a dessiné Akira dans un format franco-belge et on voit des artistes français se lancer avec succès dans le comics ou le manga. Il s’agit de choisir le format adapté à son style et à l’histoire que l’on veut raconter.
I love Gaia with the hair down! ^^
Me too. This needs to happen more often.