Guest 28 – by Kunyue
In charge of the strip this week is Kunuye, Nadeshicon‘s official artist. Her drawings have always been synonymous with Quebec City’s very own anime convention. Pity it was cancelled this year. :(
So yes. Marie-Neige’s crazy dreams are becoming a thing! Thank you so much for your contribution, Kunyue!
Clemzilla!! I love it :D
After panel three I’d expect it more to end up as Clem Kong, where she grabs Marie and climbs the tallest building in Quebec, then swats at planes.
From what I’ve learned about Humans, I think she woke up before that part of the dream…
If it had of kept going, would not be surprised if it did go that way…
So yes. Marie-Neige’s crazy dreams are becoming a thing!
“Little Marie” :P
The Juice is loose!
Put your glasses on before sleep, the glasses god will protect you from evil spirits.
Hahaha, I thought the same!! :D
wait, why are you me?!
I am your evil clone
Wouldn’t that risk breaking/bending them?
If it breaks, then it’s a sign that the glasses god has abandoned you.
So then not only are your glasses broken, but your also abandoned by the glasses god. I think I’d go for just one, rather than risk both.
Oh man, this is awesome. Kaiju episode is exactly what Frivolesque needed xD
By the way, if M-N dreams about Clementine wanting her attention, does that mean she knows about Clem’s feelings?
Her subconscious mind turst Chloe ;)
So…. M-N doesn’t wear her arm bandage while sleeping?
Well, not in her dream, apparently.
I guess whether she does in reality depends on who she’s hiding the scar from. If she’s hiding it from herself, then she probably sleeps with the bandages, only taking it off for showering and replacing. If she wants to keep it hidden from Delphine, then probably the same (otherwise it might get shown if they run into each other going to the bathroom at night). If she’s only hiding it from the rest of the world, then she might sleep without it.
If Delphine is to be believed, then Marie likes prancing around the apartment in her underwear, but still wears the bandage while doing so, so I don’t think it’s the latter.
That dakimakura raises uncomfortable questions…
Not new questions, though. She’s had it a long time ( ). And I think Chloe knows about it.
Yeah, Chloe knows…
So, M-N is at least somewhat aware of Clem’s feelings for her, then?
EDIT:Just noticed Clif08 said the same thing. I should really read these comments before posting my own. Derp.
i finally caught up to everyone. but now i have to wait ¦-|
nightmare? i would not wake up too such a notion lol