178 – Origin
Yeah. I went there. Those colors the girls are wearing were never random.
Although I feel like making a The Legend of Zelda : Four Swords reference is really dated now that Tri Force heroes is out and there’s only three Links in it. (speaking of which, I yet have to get this game…)
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There was a comedic sci-fi in the 70s called Quark about a motley crew of space garbage-collectors including a girl and her clone, they are always arguing about who the real one is.
That was a pretty good series. Too bad it got canceled after less than a year.
I guess people just weren’t ready for sci-fi comedies back in the 70s, it took shows like Red Dwarf in the 80s to make it viable.
I enjoyed the heck out of that series and was really disappointed when it didn’t even last a full season. :-(
Her first name should be Linkle.
I was never that happy with Linkle’s design. Why couldn’t she be just a female link?
Nothing about his outfit is distinctively masculine. Instead, she has like… high boots and a hood cape, and a ton of accessories that male Link never had. I dunno.
Originally she was closer in design to that, but when she was made into an actual character from the original concept art, they wanted her to be more “Girl that resembles Link” rather than “Female Link”. She has her own story in the game and the explicitly points out she’s not the Hero, despite what she believes.
I’ve seen picture of a girl cosplaying Link that looked really cute, so yeah, a normal girl Link would definitely work.
I had never heard of Linkle before, but I do like the images I’m seeing on an image search. Those high boots are probably good for running through bramble bushes.
She could do with a pair of spectacles, though :P
No, no. Their last name should be “Linkletter.”
I don’t suppose there’s any chance of seeing a comic based on this premise? I would totally read it, just sayin’.
Just the clerk girls competing for stuff? Or them in an actual Zelda parody?
The clerk-girl Zelda parody sounds possibly entertaining.
Well, if you’re going to go for the obvious explanation…
It’s good to have a friend who understands weird references like that.
I’m not too sure Marie-Neige actually gets it. Chloe is the gamer, Marie is mostly into asian MMORPGs and casual games like Animal Crossing.
because asian MMORPGs got those bouncy boobies xD
I read that as Anime Crossing.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a real game, and Marie-Neige was playing it.
And I thought Flore was the weird one XD
Hint : They’re all weird.
In their own charming Frivo way, yes :)
I would have gone down the “Monty Python” meets Thor route by having the girl pick up the magic stick while hiking and she has to hold it over her head for some logicial reason. Then the stick turns into Thor’s Hammer that’s far to heavy for her to carry. It falls on her, squishing her Python-ques style into four separate pieces, each for which grows into one of the four clones you curenty have.
Oh, so THAT’S the unique quirk of the Purple girl. She’s evil.
Take a closer look: everybody’s after the cash. Not evil, just BETTER.
Oh, I didn’t even realize what they were grabbing for in that panel. I was actually referring to how the Purple Link is considered evil, and was thus cast out of the group so that there were only three colors remaining.
Oh, that’s a thing? I’m not on the internet enough. Or maybe that’s a good thing.
Technically, the three links in Tri-Force heroes aren’t the same as the ones in Four Sword since they have hair that match their colors, while the Four Swords links all had blond hair. ;)
So there never was a purple Link in Heroes.
Shhhh….don’t let the Purple One hear you! >.>”
….y’know…that fits my head-canon. I can see it.
can’t look away from your gravatar
Four Swords references are still viable because it’s a great game. :)
I agree. Although I only played the GBA one. I never could bother to get enough people with enough GBAs and link cables to play the Gamecube one. ;)
I’ve played the GC one and it’s actually pretty solid even in single player! :D I never had enough people or GBAs with cables to do 4P in it, but it’s probably for the better.
It’s as good an explanation as any other.
Oh so thats what happened I never could make sense of Zelda games when i was younger and dont know enough about what is what to make sense of anything now