Gaia’s green hair and height and posture initially made me think of Princess Zeetha, the tough lady-warrior from Girl Genius webcomics. I like the characterization, all around.
I like the touch about “voracious, but never gains weight”—admittedly because it makes her superhuman abilities make more sense, similar to certain genetic tweaks that exist in the Honor Harrington universe.
OMG c’est Frank Mongrain????
Nice to see you again! =D
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One single image and the music is stuck in my head and I’m looking for speed runs. Thanks! -_-;
Can you imagine how it was for me when I drew this?
Magical, I’m sure!
I think that song has been stuck in my head since 1988. Before it was a meme. Before it was even cool to like retro stuff.
What? No, no, no no I don’t greatly admire a fictional character. Nope nope just.. ~<3
You fangirl, you.
Silly association on my part probably, but the hair & eye color and some of her traits make me think of some portrayals of chinese Jiangshi.
I’ll have to draw her in a jiangshi dress then. XD
Gaia’s green hair and height and posture initially made me think of Princess Zeetha, the tough lady-warrior from Girl Genius webcomics. I like the characterization, all around.
I don’t know much about Girl Genius, but glad you like Gaia!
After playing Punch Out!!! so much as a kid, like you, I now find real boxing to be a very unsatisfactory experience. Where are the star punches, man?
And don’t get me started about how every fighter looks alike too. What happened to the individuality? Was that only a wrestling thing?
I want to BE HER !
except for the girly part, and the red eye part, and the slums part, and the boxer part….
I forgot the HUMAN part.
Her surname is Maguire and her parents named her Gaia? Just as well she’s 178cm and very strong.
I like the touch about “voracious, but never gains weight”—admittedly because it makes her superhuman abilities make more sense, similar to certain genetic tweaks that exist in the Honor Harrington universe.
So she’s a female and more human-looking version of Blanca from Street Fighter. Don’t tell me she’s from Brazil.
Nope, she’s not. She was born and raised in Canada. :)
I like GPX-013.
And Marie-Neige. And Chloé.
Gambatte kudassai, Dezu san!
OMG c’est Frank Mongrain????
Nice to see you again! =D
Et je suis content que t’aimes ce que je fais! Comment t’as découvert Frivolesque?
Bah en googlant “Dez” lol! Jme demandais c’que tu devenais! Nice tes participations à des conventions! Je jetterai un oeil sur la suite! Take care!
Oh my god that beautiful reference.
The token nude-face, wasn’t it?
I guess not everyone wears glasses (unfortunately)…